9To5Google first spotted the difference, and it looks like it’s only coming to the desktop version of Google’s homepage. It actually has many widgets or cards on the bottom of the screen that provides you with some essential information along with the standard search box you’ve come to know and love.

Google appears to be testing this new homepage out, as most people still see the standard search box with nothing else (myself included). However, for those who do have the new homepage, they’ll see widgets for Weather, Trending, What to Watch, Stocks/markets, Local Events, and COVID news.

None of the widgets seem intrusive, so you can safely ignore them and search for whatever you want without paying them any mind. There’s also a “Hide content” button on the bottom of the screen that lets you get rid of the widgets and see a plain Google search screen.

It’s not clear whether this will be a widespread homepage, as Google hasn’t officially announced anything. We’ll have to wait and see if there’s a broader rollout for Google’s new homepage as time goes on.