What is Google fiber?

Google Fiber is a broadband internet connection service all over the US. It was started in 2010 to deliver high-speed connectivity. Goggle fiber is famous for its high speed, which is up to 1000Mbps, and its affordable price. It is coming in demand slowly and has already made over 453,000 customers. It charges a reasonable amount from the customers and provides better internet for the people to use it. 

Why Google fiber is not working? 

There may be several reasons why google fiber is not working. Some of the reasons are listed here:

Internet outage – There might be a service outage because of which, your Google Fiber is not working. But usually, you get notified if there is any network outage, but in case you are not notified, you can even check it by logging in to your fiber account. A problem in the router – The light starts to flash on the router, which indicates that there is a problem with it. Problem with the fiber jack – There might be some problem with the jack, you can fix it by pressing the sides plate so that the jack comes out. And you plug it again after some time to check if the problem is solved. Billing not done – Your internet might not work if the payment is not complete or paid. So, in that case, check if there are any pending dues and if any, then pay.

What to do if Google fiber is not working?

You were surfing the internet, and it suddenly stopped working, and you want to have a quick fix, but you don’t know what might be the reason. Checking internet outage – login into your fiber account, then check if there is a notification at the top of the page about the internet outage. You can also check the outage by opening the search outage page, filling in your address there, and clicking on choose a status.

Checking the cables and connectors – sometimes loose connections might stop the internet connectivity. Check if all the cables are connected properly, and then try to plug them properly and wait to see if it’s working.

How to fix it?

If your google fiber is not working or the internet speed has become slow, you can restart or reset your Google Fiber to see if it starts working. Sometimes your device may have some problems. You can also check if all the cables are properly plugged, and there are no loose connectors or cables. In the case of power cycling, your google fiber or fiber jack doesn’t solve the problem, you need to contact customer service support. They would come and check the problem and then fix it. It may also happen that firmware is updating because google always comes up with high-quality hardware, in that case, you can wait for some time to see if that is what has happened.

How to power-cycle your Google fiber?

To restart or power cycle your google fiber box, you need to:  

First, unplug the cables from the power line. Wait for 10-20 seconds, then plug the cable of the network box to the main power line. Wait till the rebooting is complete and ` the light turns too solid blue.


There can be various reasons why your google fiber is not working, you can find out the reason by checking all of them, and then you fix it by resetting the fiber box, and if that doesn’t work out, you can call google fiber customer support. They will come and fix it for you. Usually, the service provided is good, but there might be some problems sometimes, but the problems are temporary and can be fixed. I hope this was all you needed to know if your google fiber is not working.

 What to do if the google fiber network box is blinking red?

Ans: if the network box is blinking red, it means there is either some problem with the network or the router is trying to get the connection back. Sometimes red blinking also indicates there is some damage to the cables or connectors.

What does it mean if the router’s blue light is flashing?

Ans: There can be various reasons for it, like a loose connection, there is some problem with the network, or the firmware is outdated. You can either check the cables or reboot it, or you can reset it. If it doesn’t help, then contact google fiber support.