One of the contenders for Best Picture at the Oscars 2020 is Parasite and Google Assistant wants it to win. Google Assistant is a great way to find out information and if you ask the right question, the virtual assistant might even give you an opinion. Which happens to be the case with this year’s Academy Awards event.

The Oscars 2020 takes place this Sunday and the Best Picture award is typically one of the most discussed topics. In contention this year is Parasite although it is facing stiff competition from 1917 and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. However, if Google Assistant was handing out the award, then it looks like Parasite would win this year’s Academy Award for Best Picture.

Recently noted on Reddit, if you ask Google Assistant who it thinks will win this year’s Best Picture award, the virtual assistant replies that it’s “rooting for Parasite.” Assistant goes on to explain that if Parasite wins it will “make history” by being the first foreign language film to win. For those wanting to try this out, the exact phrasing matters. In some cases, Google Assistant may reply with “it’s hard to pick, there are so many great movies.”

Is This A Google Assistant Prediction?

Google Assistant has the whole internet to draw from when providing a response which raises the question as to whether this just a side feature designed to add flavor to the Google Assistant experience, or artificial intelligence at work and making an educated guess? For example, 2,000 moviegoers took part in a recent Fandango survey and Parasite was the majority pick to win the Best Picture award. In addition, the movie has received wide praise from moviegoers and critics, and has already scooped up the 2019 Cannes Film Festival Palme d’Or, the SAG Award for Best Ensemble, and the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language film. At one point, it even looked like the Academy was tipping Parasite for a Best Picture win. Based on the information it has on hand, this could be an example of Assistant providing more of a calculated response to the question asked.

However, these virtual assistants are tuned to provide more of a human-like experience and you can even ask them to tell you a joke or answer general questions about themselves. In fact, Google Assistant is often noted providing humorous responses to many questions asked. For example, if you were to ask “do you prefer Star Wars or Star Trek,’’ the answer you’ll most likely end up with is “the Millennium Falcon, Flown by Captain Jean-Luc Picard," along with a winking face emoji. Therefore, maybe Google Assistant just does really want Parasite to win Best Picture at this year’s Oscars.

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Source: Reddit