We’ve all felt the effects of YouTube’s copyright takedowns, whether it was a critical review you wanted to watch, or just some footage you recorded of yourself playing a game. It’s gotten to the point where developers will abuse the system and make false copyright claims to take down videos they don’t want to see the light of day.

In fact, it’s gotten so bad that in the past, SEGA was able to go and flag any video with Shining Force game footage and have them removed, fair use or not.

For YouTubers and content creators, this can be a pretty intimidating aspect. What is the little guy supposed to do against a big company like SEGA, even if their copyright claims are false?

It is important then, and much welcomed that Youtube is publicly stepping up to the plate to defend fair use. No longer will a developer be able to claim copyright on a review video just because it gave a bad score.

That’s why YouTube’s new fair use protection program is a welcome breath of fresh air.

“We’re doing this because we recognize that creators can be intimidated by the DMCA’s counter notification process, and the potential for litigation that comes with it (for more background on the DMCA and copyright law see check out this Copyright Basics video),” said Fred von Lohmann, Google’s copyright legal director.

Jim Sterling also highlights why this is a victory for fair use, but how we still haven’t won the war just yet: 

All in all this is pretty good news. What do you guys think? Is Google championing fair rights a win/win?

Google announces new YouTube fair use protection program  will help defend gaming channels - 74Google announces new YouTube fair use protection program  will help defend gaming channels - 61