Good Trouble follows the lives of Callie and Mariana Adams Foster after they say good-bye to their home in San Diego to begin a new life in Los Angeles. Following Callie’s clerkship with Judge Wilson and Mariana’s tech job at the start-up company, Speckulate, the series follows the journey the sisters had been on during The Fosters, with the bonus of age and maturity.

No more high school drama or juvenile delinquency as they head into real life, where Stef and Lena cannot quickly bail them out of bad situations, and it is up to Callie and Mariana to make their lives what they desire. These are the ten best episodes, according to IMDb.


Stef and Lena make their first appearances on Good Trouble when they visit Callie and Mariana at the Coterie. Callie is concerned about the state of the Coterie and strives to impress Stef and Lena. However, their visit does not go as planned. When Stef and Lena accidentally consume drugged cookies, it brings out Stef’s awareness toward Dennis and his relationship with a younger woman.

Lena ventures into Malika’s loft, and they bond over a mutual interest in social relations. As the episode concludes, it brings out a moment reminiscent of The Fosters as Callie and Mariana admit their troubles to Stef and Lena. Like their mothers, Stef and Lena remind Callie and Mariana that they always want to be there for them.


Callie and Mariana reunite with Jude, Brandon, and their mothers in the first half of the two-hour Christmas event. Although, the reunions do not end there, as the Hunter family also joins in for the holiday fun. It is not all jokes and laughing as things are still tense between the Adams-Fosters and the Hunters.

However, “Nochebuena” does give an update on Brandon and Eliza’s work and marriage situations. It also reveals that Jude and Carter have continued to have a relationship. Meanwhile, Gael and Jazmin must face their parents again when they learn their grandfather had a stroke.


When Davia’s mother comes to visit, it brings up revelations about Davia’s past. Her mother spends too much time telling Davia she should be thinner. Although Davia is proud of who she is and her body, her mothers’ comments are a sore spot in her life. Callie’s first few days at her new job are filled with drama after she tries to help Malika with a problem her father has at his apartment.

Although Callie can get her boss to help her undo the damage, she is warned to be careful in the future. Mariana and Raj try to figure out how to handle the aftermath of their app doubling the number of donations they received during Jazmin’s doble quince.


The Jamal Thompson case takes a negative turn for supporters when videos of Jamal go viral. Although Malika still belives that Jamal should have justice, the videos do not make it easy to feel good about supporting him, personally. Mariana’s determination for equal pay among all employees hits a sore note when she suggests going further to include a racial column to learn if male and female employees make different amounts based on race as well as gender.

Callie loses her standing in the Jamal case after Judge Wilson determines that keeping her on would be reckless. Stef and Lena return with updates on Lena’s campaign, and how it is affecting her and Stef’s marriage.


Callie faces a dilemma when she and Rebecca cannot agree on how to handle a workplace harassment case. Meanwhile, Mariana and the other female staff members aim to achieve equal treatment and pay. All the while, the sisters are visited by Jesus. Although he ends up doing more than just taking a tour of Speckulate.

Dennis becomes interested in Jesus’ idea to build tiny houses, which leads to a meeting with an old co-worker of Dennis’. But, it would not be Good Trouble without an additional splash of drama. While out at a bar, Jesus makes an unexpected connection with Rebecca.


In the season two premiere, Callie and Mariana face the fallout of their actions. Mariana is the center of attention at Speckulate after Josh is fired. All the while, an awkward moment with Raj leads Mariana to ask her friends some uncomfortable questions. The drama does not end there, with Mariana finding out she is expected to put together Speckulate’s first all-female team after already asking Raj to join. As the Jamal case comes to a close, Callie admits to Judge Wilson that files had been anonymously given to her.

Unfortunately, the case does not have the ending Callie and Malika had been hoping for. Rather than give Jamal the justice he deserved, the jury and Judge Wilson rule in favor of the police officer that had shot Jamal in the back seven times. A heartbreaking ending has a rally behind Jamal’s mother as she comments on the results. Behind her, people hold up posters and stand with her in support of her cause. However, one last plot twist creates a problem for Callie after Malika steals her ID badge.


Brandon makes his first triumphant appearance in Good Trouble; only, it is not so victorious. Rather than a successful music career, Brandon is a Coche driver. While Eliza has been thriving as a classical musician, Brandon has yet to break into the industry.

Instead, Brandon admits that he has this job to get out of the house and feel less lonely with Eliza out working. Brandon has not told Eliza about this, and when he sees Jamie out with Callie, he asks Callie not to mention his job. Meanwhile, Callie and Mariana celebrate Davia’s birthday with her as they rush around Los Angeles.


Mariana’s app gets beta-tested at Jazmin’s birthday party. As Jazmin was not able to have a Quinceanera on her fifteenth birthday, she is making up for it now, along with many of her military friends. Unfortunately, the app reveals that twice the amount of donations was made than what was actually received.

Even though Gael and Jazmin’s parents are not supportive of the party, or Jazmin’s identity as a woman, their grandfather still makes an appearance at the party with Jazmin’s military dog tags. Gael also takes a monumental step forward, coming out to his family as bisexual.


Gael’s art show brings everyone together for the penultimate episode of season one. Gael’s love triangle comes to a head as Bryan forces Gael to answer questions about his relationship with Callie. Although Gael does not give Bryan any details, he does admit that he should not have agreed to an exclusive relationship. After learning that the app Mariana wants to pitch to Evan had been similar to another idea Evan had put a stop to, Mariana pushes forward with another pitch.

The new approach finds a way to bridge together activists who need more volunteers with people who would like to be more involved in protests. Although Mariana had been advised against pitching the concept, Evan loves the idea and decides to move forward with it.


Lena learns that Stef has an opportunity to work in Venezuela for a year while Brandon and Eliza accept they might be having a baby. As a backdrop, Mariana has the Coterie host a Christmas event that helps people in need, registers people to vote, and more. Stef takes the occasion to show Eliza’s mother how it can feel to help people in need.

After trying to hide the truth about leaving the clerkship from Stef and Lena, her attempts fail when Jesus brings it up during a video call, only for Callie to discover that Stef and Lena already knew. During the video call, Jesus reveals a surprise revelation about him and Emma.