Good Teacher Worth

Teachers’ behavior must be friendly and nice in the classroom although students can easily keep in touch with them. As teachers are our second parents they guide and help the students as the first parents do. A teacher should be flexible and dynamic

How much is a good teacher worth?

Good teachers are those who are nice, flexible, and very kind natured. Teachers are an essential part of our society. They not only teach students, however, but they also grow up students. Teachers guide the student’s about the ups and downs of life and ask them never to give up on their goals and desires. Teachers are the real motivator of students. Along with the subject, they give motivational classes to teach them how to respect their parents and others. 

Children do what they have been taught and will be taught. Today’s children are the future of the world. A good teacher must build up students in a positive way. Teachers have an important job in society and have the power to change the lives of the students or the leaders of the future world. Teachers are the role models of society and they hold the students for their success. Teachers can give guidance to students of any kind. A teacher can see all over the weaknesses, lacks, and strengths of the students and can transform them into all the strengths of students. 

Qualities of the teacher:

Teachers are extraordinary and have all the qualities that should be in all teachers. Teachers can read the mind and thoughts of the students. 


Teachers just not only listen, However, but they also shape the mind of the students. They don’t teach to get a salary and popularity but they have a passion for their youth and education. Teachers don’t stop teaching the students when the bell rings, They continuously teach, making assignments, material, and whatever.

Understand the students:

A good teacher understands every student who comes from different background and

society. They get to know about the slackness and disability of the students and then give their most precious and extra time to those students although they can make themselves successful and intelligent. 


A teacher should have a dynamic and flexible personality so that students can feel free to ask about any questions and queries regarding their subjects. 


Teachers are honest with their jobs, They should be. They teach students with love and passion and treat student’s in a very polite way. 

Teach students, individual:

If the teacher knows about the weakness and slackness of students then they should give extra time to those students and teach them individually. Moreover, after completing the lecture they ask some questions regarding lectures to know whether students get something or not. 


Teachers show their patience when the environment in and out of the classroom is not good. They give lessons regarding the value of the teachers. 


Without cooperation, students can’t grow up. They need motivation as well as co-operation. Teachers are very co-operative. But sometimes; most of the teachers are not cooperative, which affects the children and their abilities. Students avoid asking them any questions because of the strange

the behavior of the teacher. 


Teachers are the role models of our society who build up the children and guide them to walk the right way, and should advise them to work hard until they reach their goals.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. How does the teacher teach the lesson when there is some query regarding the subject?

Teachers try to make it easier, so the students can get it easily. 

  1. Is the teacher punctual? Why?

 Yes, all teachers are punctual; they should be because students learn from their teachers and get what they do. 

  1. How does the teacher motivate the class?

Teachers should know about the slackness and weakness of the students and then give the lesson by keeping them in mind.

  1. Are good teachers’ role models for anyone?

Yes, why not. Good teachers are role models for anyone.

  1. Can a good teacher help to build a good society?

Yes, it is right that a good teacher can build a good society.