Created by David E. Kelley and Jonathan Shapiro, Goliath premiered in October 2016, and was renewed the following February. The initial eight-episode storyline followed Billy’s on-going conflict with his former law firm. Goliath season 1 ends with a professional and moral victory, yet Billy discovers a failed attempt on his life. Goliath season 2 released in June 2018 and examined a gangland killing. While defending the son of a friend, Billy forms a relationship with East Los Angeles councilwoman Marisol Silva (Ana de la Reguera). Meanwhile, the underground activity of the La Mano cartel complicates everything.

Goliath season 2 wrapped up with a shocking amputation sequence, in which the La Mano cartel sends a powerful message. Billy also learns that he’s merely a pawn in the game. Here’s everything we expect for Goliath season 3.

Goliath Season 3 Release Date Info

Goliath Season 3 Story Details

In Goliath season 2, Billy’s client Julio Suarez (Diego Josef) dies in prison. Billy is subsequently kidnapped and learns from sketchy L.A. figure Tom Wyatt (Mark Duplass) that Los Angeles’ new mayor - Marisol Silva - is behind all the madness. However, Billy then reveals that Marisol’s brother is Gabriel (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), the leader of the La Mano cartel; and Marisol tells Billy she never loved him. The Goliath season 2 finale also saw Gabriel’s complete amputation of Tom Wyatt’s four limbs; a sick joke that’s connected to the business man’s sexual preferences.

The ending of season 2 suggests that Billy will take on the La Mano cartel in Goliath season 3. Most likely, he’ll have to play dirty in order to de-legitimize Marisol’s political power. Goliath season 2’s final image shows Billy gazing at the ocean with his devastated daughter Denise (Diana Hopper), and this final sequence implies that a sense of moral justice will continue to drive Billy in Goliath season 2. In the moment, though, Billy reflects on the calm before the storm. Given the revelation that Marisol’s real name is Claudia Quintero, Goliath season 3 will most likely follow the character’s backstory, and how far her power extends in Los Angeles and beyond.