Many things can be (and have been) written about 2016 as a whole, but in terms of movies the year saw the release of several critical darlings spread across a variety of genres (sci-fi, superhero, even musical). Filmmakers such as Denis Villeneuve and Damien Chazelle continued to make a name for themselves with their latest directorial efforts, even as cinematic storytellers such as Barry Jenkins and Kenneth Lonergan went from being comparatively obscure auteurs to finding themselves at the front of the pack in awards season. At the same time, everything from unconventional indie offerings to crowd-pleasing Disney features were hailed as being ground-breaking creative accomplishments, over the course of the year.

The year is now 2017 and right around the corner is the 74th annual Golden Globes ceremony, an awards event in which the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (aka. the HFPA) will strive to honor the best of the best across the mediums of cinema and television. There are definitely multiple front-runners when it comes to the areas of movies, TV shows, TV movies and limited TV series, making the final outcome of this year’s Golden Globes all the more difficult to predict with any real accuracy.

We will nevertheless take a shot at picking which movies are going to take home which awards at the 2017 Golden Globes ceremony, in the process revealing which films and actors we think will (and which ones should) receive the top prizes that the HFPA is dealing out this year.

Best Motion Picture, Drama

Nominees: Hacksaw Ridge, Hell or High Water, Lion, Manchester by the Sea, Moonlight

Predicted Winner: Moonlight

Screen Rant’s editors were not alone in listing Moonlight as one of their favorites (or, in certain cases, their favorite overall) movie released in 2016 and with fair reason. Barry Jenkins’ visually-striking drama is observably personal yet universally-relatable all at once and it aptly defies the cliches for a movie that features a gay protagonist, delivering all the more moving an exploration of a character and their evolution in the process. It’s a testament to Moonlight’s quality that it far outstrips such fine films as Hell or High Water in its category, too.

Should Win: Moonlight

Part of the reason it feels like Moonlight will win Best Drama is because its main competition is in a good position to walk away with Globes in other categories (acting and/or screenwriting, in particular) and thus, the HFPA may end up spreading things around, rather than heaping all of the awards on just one movie, especially in a competitive year like this. Moonlight seems to be in a nice position to take Best Drama because of that - something that comes as all the more welcome news since, as was made clear before, it’s more than deserving of the honor.

Potential Upset: Manchester by the Sea

Although we’re going with Moonlight for the win here, in truth the Best Drama category at this year’s Golden Globes feels like a toss-up between Moonlight and Manchester by the Sea. Both have been recognized for the top prizes by multiple critics circles thus far for their acting and have likewise been crowned Best Picture from different awards season organizations. As mentioned, awards shows such as the Golden Globes have a habit of spreading the love around, but that’s not always the case - and if that happens here, we’re betting on Manchester for the “upset”.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Arrival

Although the exclusion of filmmaking legend Martin Scorsese’s religious drama Silence from the Best Drama category at the Golden Globes came as a surprise, arguably the biggest snub involved Dennis Villeneuve’s all but universally-acclaimed sci-fi drama Arrival not making the cut. A film lauded in equal measure for its brains and craftsmanship, the fact that Arrival is also more of a popular “genre movie” than its competitors may have hurt, rather than improved its chances of being at least nominated for the top Globe of the night.

Best Motion Picture, Musical, or Comedy

Nominees: 20th Century Women, Florence Foster Jenkins, Deadpool, La La Land, Sing Street

Predicted Winner: La La Land

The 2017 Golden Globes not only marks one of the rare occasions in recent years where a musical is up for the Best Comedy/Musical Globe, it’s also the rarer occasion where the musical is the runaway favorite to win the prize. La La Land began generating enthusiastic word of mouth back when it hit the 2016 film festival circuit and little has changed since it first hit theaters this past December. If Damien Chazelle’s Gene Kelly-style song and dance extravaganza does not win in this area at the Golden Globes, it will be a significant upset.

Should Win: La La Land

La La Land isn’t the favorite to win Best Comedy/Musical for no good reason; everything from the film’s costumes to the camerawork to the original songs are brimming with life and (successfully) designed to dazzle. As for this year’s other Best Comedy/Musical nominees such as Sing Street and 20th Century Women: they have been widely-praised too, but they are more of the cherished-yet-underseen variety and haven’t been generating the sort of excitement that La La Land has, especially where it concerns the cinephile and/or film buff community.

Potential Upset: Deadpool

It’s not entirely shocking that of all the modern superhero movies released in recent years, it’s the one that most openly riffs on the genre’s conventions and openly pokes fun at itself and its peers, that has landed the most awards-season attention. Deadpool’s potential to go beyond the Golden Globes and possibly even land some Oscar nominations is a subject that’s open to debate, but if the HFPA wants to go with a mold-breaking choice for its Best Comedy/Musical winner, then the Merc With a Mouth’s solo vehicle would be the way to go.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Zootopia/Moana

Disney Animation had a great year in 2016 and both of its film releases from that year (Zootopia and Moana) are in the running for Best Animated Motion Picture (more on that later), but it would have been nice to see either one or even both of them in the running for Best Comedy/Musical too. Both Zootopia and Moana are clever postmodern takes on two different archetypical Mouse House animated features and deserve to have a shot to join films like Toy Story 2 and Beauty and the Beast, on the short list of animated movies that won this particular Globe honor in their year.

Best Performance By an Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama

Nominees: Amy Adams, Arrival; Jessica Chastain, Miss Sloane; Isabelle Huppert, Elle; Ruth Negga, Loving; Natalie Portman, Jackie

Predicted Winner: Amy Adams

Amy Adams was the headliner in both Denis Villeneuve’s heady sci-fi drama Arrival and Tom Ford’s twisted psycho-drama Nocturnal Animals in 2016 - and though she was quite good in both, the sheer amount of acclaim that her work in the former has earned her makes Adams the front-runner in this case. Adams has won two Golden Globes to date, but both for musical/comedy rather than drama; not only should that change this year, but a win would also make Adams the clear front-runner to take home an Oscar at last this awards season, too.

Should Win: Amy Adams

There’s not a weak link in the chain here, between Ruth Negga’s quiet and down to Earth performance in Loving to Natalie Portman’s successful channeling of a famous first lady in Jackie and both Jessica Chastain and Isabelle Huppert’s portrayals of emotionally/morally complicated protagonists in Miss Sloane and Elle. Nevertheless, Adams’ turn as a linguist whose worldview is (literally) over the course of her attempts to communicate with alien visitors, stands out as something special and worthy of the Globe that she’s poised to take home.

Potential Upset: Natalie Portman

One should never count out acting powerhouse Natalie Portman in the awards season race, especially in the case of Jackie - as successfully portraying a historical icon is something that can earn an actor good credit with not only the HFPA, but the majority of awards-giving organizations. Portman, like Adams, has won twice at the Golden Globes in the past and boasts an Oscar to her name too, but right now it doesn’t feel like Portman has the momentum as she did when she last won for Black Swan… though come Sunday night, that could well change.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Taraji P. Henson

This year’s Best Actress in a Drama roster is very strong and there’s no one who made the cut that feels like an outlier undeserving of the honor. That being said, it would have been nice if Empire standout Taraji P. Henson could have landed a nod for her excellent work as a mathematician helping NASA to launch a man into orbit in Hidden Figures, not least of all because Henson has never been nominated for a Golden Globe on the movie side of things. She did win a Globe last year for Empire though, so the HFPA is clearly a fan of Henson’s, all the same.

Best Performance By an Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy

Nominees: Annette Bening, 20th Century Women; Lily Collins, Rules Don’t Apply; Hailee Steinfeld, The Edge of Seventeen; Emma Stone, La La Land; Meryl Streep, Florence Foster Jenkins

Predicted Winner: Emma Stone

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are the co-headliners in La La Land, but most seem to agree that Stone is the real standout in the movie and the one with more forward momentum on her side, heading into the latter half of the current awards season race. Stone’s turn as a singing and dancing wannabe actress working her way through modern Los Angeles, is certainly her best all-encompassing performance to date and should land her a Globe too, following her previous nominations for the films Easy A and Birdman in years past.

Should Win: Hailee Steinfeld

As terrific as Stone is in La La Land, Hailee Steinfeld is arguably just as good (if not better) as a teenager whose (already borderline unstable) life is thrown into chaos when her BFF starts dating her brother in Kelly Fremon Craig’s The Edge of Seventeen. Steinfeld not only delivers a very authentic and relatable (not to mention, funny) portrayal of a high schooler who’s convinced their world is coming apart at the seams, it’s also worlds apart from either her Oscar-nominated turn in True Grit or any of her other previous film roles, for that matter.

Potential Upset: Annette Bening

Annette Bening has been nominated for a Golden Globe multiple times in the past and won twice (most recently for The Kids Are All Right), making her turn as a mother doing her best to figure things out in a time of confusion (read: the 1970s) in 20th Century Women, one to watch for. Emma Stone for La La Land is still the front-runner here and stands a shot at taking home some Oscar gold too, but it’s not out of the question that the HFPA could decide to hand this particular globe to a seasoned screen veteran like Bening instead.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Kate McKinnon

The Ghostbusters reboot features solid comedic performances from all four of its leads, but it’s Saturday Night Live standout Kate McKinnon who leaves the strongest impression with her turn as a decidedly offbeat scientist and inventor of ghost-catching technology. McKinnon’s Marx Brother-style performance in the film aptly blends physical comedy with action and stands out as something truly unique, compared to the other competitors in this category. If Ryan Reynolds could be recognized for Deadpool, while not McKinnon for Holtzmann?

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama

Nominees: Casey Affleck, Manchester by the Sea; Joel Edgerton, Loving; Andrew Garfield, Hacksaw Ridge; Viggo Mortensen, Captain Fantastic; Denzel Washington, Fences

Predicted Winner: Casey Affleck

Manchester by the Sea is a film about the grieving process carried by its lead actor Casey Affleck via a performance that isn’t as showy as some of his competition, but just as strong in its more subtle and quiet way. Affleck has only been nominated for a Golden Globe once before (on The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford), but he’s spent years building his reputation as a respected, yet relatively-underrated character actor - and right now, the tide seems to be moving in his favor, when it comes to his Globes prospects this year.

Should Win: Casey Affleck

Andrew Garfield and Joel Edgerton both do great jobs portraying real-life people in Hacksaw Ridge and Loving, whereas Viggo Mortensen and Denzel Washington’s respective roles in Captain Fantastic and Fences are nice reminders of just how terrific the longtime character actors can be, when given the proper material to work from. That being said, Affleck’s performance is not only the most grounded and vulnerable among the contenders here, it’s also quieter in a meaningful way - the kind that manage to express volumes with but a few words.

Potential Upset: Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington is all-but universally regarded as one of the best actors his his generation and Fences features him in one of his best roles in recent memory; the same one that he previously won a Tony award for playing onstage. The fact that Washington boasts so many accolades and awards to his name now (having won multiple Golden Globes over the years) could make the HFPA less inclined to recognize him once again this year, rather than Affleck or even someone else altogether. That said: you should never count out Washington entirely.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Trevante Rhodes, Moonlight

Moonlight has been widely celebrated for its beautiful cinematography and supporting performances, to the degree that the strong work by the three actors who portray its protagonist, Chiron, at different stages in his life, has been somewhat overshadowed. Trevante Rhodes as the grown-up Chiron in particular speaks volumes with his often-silent yet humane and relatable performance, in the process seamlessly maintaining the illusion that he is, in fact, the older version of a human being played by two other people onscreen.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical, or Comedy

Nominees: Colin Farrell, The Lobster; Ryan Gosling, La La Land; Hugh Grant, Florence Foster Jenkins; Jonah Hill, War Dogs; Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool

Predicted Winner: Ryan Gosling

2016 was a strong year for Ryan Gosling in general (more on that in a moment) and the actor handles all of his own singing, dancing and yes, even jazz piano-playing with equal aplomb in La La Land. Delivering a performance as a nostalgic jazz-obsessed musician that is charming, funny and touching in equal measure when called for, Gosling rises the challenges of Damien Chazelle’s throwback musical - and for his efforts, he might end up taking home his first Golden Globe, after having racked up four separate Globes nominations over the past decade.

Should Win: Ryan Reynolds

As great as Gosling’s work in La La Land is, there’s arguably no other actor in a movie in 2016 who embodied the character they were playing as well as Ryan Reynolds did while playing Wade Wilson in Deadpool. There was certainly no other actor in 2016 whose performance extended beyond the screen (helping to promote the film in the process) like Reynolds either. Reynolds has already been recognized during this awards season for his turn as The Merc With a Mouth, but it’s difficult to imagine him winning over a more “traditional” pick such as Gosling.

Potential Upset: Ryan Reynolds

… Then again, the fact that both Deadpool the movie and Reynolds the actor are up for Golden Globes could be a sign that the HFPA will mix things up with the winners this year. As mentioned before, the odds are not in favor of Deadpool beating out La La Land in the Best Comedy/Musical category, but perhaps the Globs will split the difference by recognizing Reynolds for his efforts in a R-Rated irreverent superhero action/comedy and giving Damien Chazelle’s musical love letter the bigger awards of the night. One can never be too certain on Globes night, after all.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Ryan Gosling, The Nice Guys

It may seem odd to pick Ryan Gosling as the “should’ve been a contender” candidate in a category where he is a contender, but of the actor’s two leading performances in 2016 it’s arguably his turn in Shane Black’s 1970s-set Noir drama/comedy The Nice Guys that’s the more memorable one. Gosling’s PI Holland March offers not only a reminder of just how great a comedic actor Gosling is, the Holland character is also surprisingly multilayered - a comically aloof investigator who haplessness is only accentuated by the bad hand that fate has dealt him.

Best Performance By an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

Nominees: Mahershala Ali, Moonlight; Jeff Bridges, Hell or High Water; Simon Helberg, Florence Foster Jenkins; Dev Patel, Lion; Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Nocturnal Animals

Predicted Winner: Mahershala Ali

2016 was a busy year for Mahershala Ali, between his appearances in multiple Netflix TV shows (House of Cards, Marvel’s Luke Cage) and movies alike (Free State of Jones, Moonlight, Hidden Figures). Out of all of his performances for that year, the best of the lot is arguably Ali’s turn in Moonlight as Juan, the Miami-based drug dealer who becomes a father figure to a young boy named Chiron. Ali’s rich and multifaceted performance is befitting of the sympathetic, yet complicated person that Juan is and tops off a great year in general for the talented character actor.

Should Win: Mahershala Ali

Ali’s competitors in this category are all sturdy candidates in their own right, especially Jeff Bridges as a Texas Ranger on the verge of retirement in Hell or High Water and Dev Patel as a man in search of his birth family in Lion (though, for the record, Patel isn’t really a “supporting actor” in Lion). Nevertheless, it’s Ali as Juan who not only leaves the strongest impression with his performance, but also proves the most memorable despite a limited amount of screen time overall. For those reasons, Ali is deserving of the recognition that seems to be headed his way.

Potential Upset: Jeff Bridges

Bridges has won a Golden Globe once before (Best Actor for Crazy Heart), but he’s not yet picked up a supporting actor Globe and there’s certainly a chance that he will swoop in to take that prize instead of Ali at this year’s ceremony. That’s not to entirely discount Aaron Taylor-Johnson claiming a victory for his role as a despicable Texan in the novel-within-the-movie Nocturnal Animals and/or the other actors here, but if there’s an upset it feels like Bridges would be the one to pull it off - among those who are in the running here, anyway.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Ben Foster, Hell or High Water

Ben Foster might have pitted against his costar Jeff Bridges had been nominated here for Hell or High Water, but he was deserving of the recognition all the same. Foster’s turn as a swaggering ex-convict with a fierce sense of loyalty to his family (his brother, in particular) was among the best supporting performances of the past year - and certainly made better use of the actor’s talents than his throwaway roles in such 2016 studio movies as Warcraft, Inferno and even The Finest Hours (featuring Foster’s other Hell or High Water costar, Chris Pine).

Best Performance by Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

Nominees: Viola Davis, Fences; Naomie Harris, Moonlight; Nicole Kidman, Lion; Octavia Spencer, Hidden Figures; Michelle Williams, Manchester by the Sea

Predicted Winner: Viola Davis

Viola Davis has been nominated for a Golden Globe twice for her starring role on How to Get Away with Murder and received nods for her roles in Doubt and The Help in the past, but this year should be the year that she finally wins a Globe too. Davis’ work in Fences is deserving of the victory too, what with the actress reprising her Tony award-winning role from the original stage play production in a film role that’s just as relatable and heart-breaking on the big screen; even opposite a scenery-chewing performance (in a good way) from her costar, Denzel Washington.

Should Win: Viola Davis

As indicated before, Davis is not only due for a win at the Golden Globes, she’s also fully deserving of one too. That’s not to take anything away from the warm and humane performances of Nicole Kidman and Octavia Spencer from this past year either, nor to demean Naomie Harris’ own heart-breaking performance as a mother in Moonlight. With that in mind: based on the quality of her work and momentum being on her side this awards season (so far), this category feels like it’s Davis’ to lose more than anything else.

Potential Upset: Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams also delivered a heart-breaking supporting performance as a mother in Manchester by the Sea and of all the supporting actress candidates here, she seems to have the best shot at landing a surprise win opposite Davis. Williams has won at the Golden Globes before (for her leading role as Marilyn Monroe in My Week With Marilyn) but for a different category than she’s in the running for this year. So again, although it’s an outsider’s shot, Williams seems the most plausible choice for an unexpected victory, in this case.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Janelle Monáe, Hidden Figures

Like Mahershala Ali, Janelle Monáe was not only in two of this year’s most acclaimed films (Moonlight and Hidden Figures), she also delivered performances in both of them that were equally good, but at the same time very different. The actress/musician should only gain further recognition for her acting abilities following her proper live-action debut in 2016 (Monáe had previously only done animated voice work), but her work from the get-go was deserving of more recognition in its own right too.

Best Screenplay, Motion Picture

Nomines: La La Land, Nocturnal Animals, Moonlight, Manchester by the Sea, Hell or High Water

Predicted Winner: Manchester by the Sea

Kenneth Lonergan’s original screenplay for Manchester by the Sea gives rise to a smart narrative that transitions from moments of regular life (some of them being unremarkable everyday occurrences, other life-changing events) in an organic fashion that is certainly deserving of recognition. From a non-artistic perspective: with buzzed about awards season contenders Moonlight and La La Land looking to take home other major prizes at the Golden Globes, this could be one of the big categories that goes to the pair’s fellow awards season frontrunner.

Should Win: Hell or High Water

Taylor Sheridan’s Hell or High Water screenplay not only boasts much in the way of sharp and observant dialogue exchanges between its characters, it also unfolds in a refreshingly novelistic style that still comes off as cinematic, at the same time. Save for Nocturnal Animals (more on that momentarily), Hell or High Water is the one contender in this category that relies more heavily on spoken words rather than striking visual metaphors and imagery (though it certainly has those too), making its script one of its strongest qualities as a film overall.

Potential Upset: Nocturnal Animals

Tom Ford’s adapted screenplay for Nocturnal Animals is a carefully-constructed tapestry of two narrative threads (one set in the film’s “real world”, the other a fictional story that unfolds within the film’s world) and for related reasons, this could be the category where the HFPA recognizes Ford for his efforts. Either way, the situation will be different come Oscar night of course, seeing as the Academy Awards have separate categories for adapted and original screenplays - meaning Nocturnal Animals won’t be competing head-on with any non-adaptations then.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Arrival

2016 was a good year for Eric Heisserer, a screenwriter who went from being best known for writing disposable horror movie sequels and/or reboots, to writing the well-respected scary flick Lights Out and celebrated sci-fi drama Arrival. The script for the latter is all the more impressive a creative accomplishment for Heisserer, with regards to not only its scientific accuracy (the result of much research), but also how it adapts the complex literary devices of Ted Chiang’s source material (Story of Your Life) into an effective cinematic narrative.

Best Director, Motion Picture

Nominees: Damien Chazelle, La La Land; Tom Ford, Nocturnal Animals; Mel Gibson, Hacksaw Ridge; Barry Jenkins, Moonlight; Kenneth Lonergan, Manchester by the Sea

Predicted Winner: Damien Chazelle

La La Land is about as visually-dazzling and stylishly-rendered as modern film musicals - or movies in general - go and that’s thanks in no small part to its writer/director, Damien Chazelle. The movie succeeds at being a proper big screen experience and however some feel about the scenes in-between them, La La Land’s impressive musical sequences are a testament to the skill and dedication of its director. It’s easy to envision Chazelle being the filmmaker who takes home the Globe in this category, for those reasons alone.

Should Win: Barry Jenkins

As flashy and spectacular in presentation as La La Land is, Barry Jenkins’ direction on Moonlight is equally subdued yet poetic and (arguably) even a bit more consistent throughout. Truth be told though, comparing the quality of work by any of the directors in the running for this category is difficult to do, since they’re all so different in style. The brutal, Biblical war drama/action filmmaking by Mel Gibson in Hacksaw Ridge, for example, is great in its own right, yet is also a far cry from either Tom Ford and/or Kenneth Lonergan’s respective directing styles (and vice versa).

Potential Upset: Kenneth Lonergan

As should be clear by now, the race between Manchester by the Sea, Moonlight and La La Land for the top honors at any event this awards season continues to be too close to comfortably call, all predictions aside. For that reason, every category that seems to be poised to go in favor of one of those three great films and the cast/crew involved with them, could just as well go in the opposite direction by way of “upset”, especially when all three of them are going up against one another. Things could shake out quite differently than these predictions suggest, as a result.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Denis Villeneuve

As has been the trend with this year’s Golden Globes, sci-fi drama and critical darling Arrival failed to land the recognition in this category too, for the efforts of director Denis Villeneuve. Although Arrival’s intelligent narrative and engaging performances are key elements of what makes it part of the ongoing “Golden Age of Mainstream Sci-Fi”, the way that Villeneuve establishes a sense of moody atmosphere and deliberate pacing through his direction, also deserved to be recognized with a Golden Globe nomination (at the least).

Best Motion Picture, Animated

Nominees: Kubo and the Two Strings, Moana, My Life as a Zucchini, Sing, Zootopia

Predicted Winner: Zootopia

2016 was not only a great year for Disney, it was a great year for animation in general. The Mouse House’s Zootopia was the year’s biggest surprise critical and commercial smash hit on the animated side of things too, delivering an unexpectedly thought-provoking sociopolitical cartoon allegory in the process. Movies featuring animated (and talking) animals were all the rage with both critics and general moviegoers in 2016, yet Zootopia still stands out in the crowd as something noteworthy - and the HFPA is likely to recognize it for that.

Should Win: Moana

Moana is more of a traditional Disney animated feature (and a musical one at that) than Zootopia on the whole, yet in some ways it’s (arguably) more consistent and ground-breaking in the way that it modernizes a number of classic Disney movie tropes. That being said, both of Disney’s animated 2016 film releases are great in their own right and deserving of the awards season recognition they’ve gotten, so there’s nothing to be lost from one taking home a Golden Globe (and/or eventually an Academy Award) instead of the other.

Potential Upset: Kubo and the Two Strings

Laika’s stop-motion animated Kubo and the Two Strings was a critical darling in its own right and brought on the movie magic for many a person, despite being seen by far less people than its big studio competition. Most of the studio’s previous features (Coraline, The Boxtrolls, and so forth) have been nominated in the animated film category at the Golden Globes ceremonies in years past, but they’ve so far come away empty-handed. There is indeed a chance that Kubo will break that streak and beat out its mega-popular competition here, in the process.

Should’ve Been a Contender: Finding Dory

Finding Dory may not go down as either of Pixar’s best animated offerings or its strongest sequel, but the Finding Nemo followup is still a meaningful continuation of its predecessor and a worthwhile piece of animated storytelling taken on its own terms. Perhaps because Pixar has set the bar for quality so high for itself, something that is generally considered to be “very good” like Finding Dory ended up being viewed as a “disappointment” in the eyes of the HFPA. Whether or not that story will change with this month’s Oscar nominations, remains to be seen.

Other Categories

Original Score, Motion Picture

Nominees: Moonlight, La La Land, Arrival, Lion, Hidden Figures

It stands to reason that La La Land will be recognized for (naturally) its musical accomplishments at this year’s Golden Globes ceremony, if nothing else. In the score department however, the haunting strings of Moonlight (or even the otherworldly ambient sounds of the Arrival score) are just as memorable, if not more so.

Best Original Song, Motion Picture

Nominees: “Can’t Stop the Feeling”, Trolls; “City of Stars”, La La Land; “Faith”, Sing; “Gold”, Gold; “How Far I’ll Go", Moana

Should Win: Moana

As mentioned, La La Land stands to clean up in the music department and deservedly so, in the case of its original songs. That being said: if any of La La Land’s show-tunes have to go up against “You’re Welcome” from Moana at the Oscars, it’s the latter we’ll be rooting for to pull an “upset” victory.

Best Motion Picture, Foreign Language

Nominees: Divines, Elle, Neruda, The Salesman, Toni Erdmann

Predicted Winner: Neruda

Should Win: Neruda

Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín actually directed two critically-acclaimed biopics in 2016 - one about Jacqueline Kennedy (Jackie), the other about Pablo Neruda (Neruda) - and by look of things, he should at least be recognized for his efforts in this category at the Golden Globes.


The 74th Annual Golden Globes ceremony will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon and take place at the Beverly Hilton on Sunday, January 8th, 2017.