Goblies® Throwable Paintballs are simply paintballs that you throw by hand. 

There will be no need to treat wounds and scars after supposedly having fun. Because, unlike regular paintballs, Goblies® Throwable Paintballs are painless, just like water balloons. They create a color splatter with the colored goo inside. 

The color sticks to skin and targets just like any paintball but can be easily cleaned off by merely washing with ordinary water, even after hours in the sun.

Goblies® Throwable Paintballs are available in different colors, making it more pleasurable for you as you can choose your preferred color. You can also choose to have all the available colors because the more colorful, the better.

Why Goblies® Paintballs?

On the off-chance that painlessness and being easy to clean is not enough reason to consider having Goblies Throwable Paintballs at your next event, here are two more advantages these bundles of fun have over your regular paintballs.

Pro- Earth: Goblies® Throwable Paintballs have a membrane made from seaweed. So that even if you do not clean up after playing with Goblies® products on a field, you are not littering, Unlike water balloons made with plastic or latex. Plant-Based Ingredient: The content of Goblies® Throwable Paintballs is not poisonous, even when it gets mistakenly ingested, because it is from plant-based ingredients.

Goblies® Play Paints

Goblies Play Paints is a colored goo made for water guns.

Just like Goblies®’ Paintballs, Goblies® Play Paints are available in different colors. Pick a color that resonates with you, or you can buy all the available colors and make the event more colorful and memorable.

Gobies® Play Paints can work with any water gun.

Other Ways to Have Fun with Goblies® Throwable Paintballs

Squish and Pop

So you don’t want to have a paintball war? Find some bubble wrap, lay it on the ground or hang it on the wall, then start throwing the Goblies®’ Throwable Paintballs at it and get satisfaction from the squish of the paintballs and the pop of the bubbles.

Cake Pops

To make a cake pop with Goblies® Paintballs, follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Take your cake pop and cover it in white chocolate

Step 2: Mix a little Goblies® Paintballs goo in your diet twist

Step 3: Pour the diet twist into a little bottle with a funnel-like cover

Step 4: Start decorating your cake pop

To watch the video of how to make a Goblies® Paintballs cake pop, visit Goblies® Throwable Paintballs Instagram page @gobliespaintballs

Where To Buy Goblies® Products

Goblies Throwable Paintballs are also available in every Michaels Store. To locate a Michaels store near you, visit michaels.com

What Are You Waiting For!

Get your Goblies® throwable Paintballs or Play Paints now at any Michaels store close to you, or simply order online. A weekend filled with fun and excitement is just an order away.

Your children will love playing with their Goblies® paintballs and play paints, that is a promise. This is one of the rare chances you get to earn yourself that million-dollar “Best mom in the world” or “Best dad in the world” tag, take advantage of it!

Goblies® Paintballs and Play Paints are fun to play with, not just for children but for adults as well. Give yourself a moment to forget life’s troubles and worries, and give happiness a chance. Be young at heart. You can afford to have a little fun.

Can you make Goblies® products stain to stay on a shirt? 

Goblies® products are specifically designed to be washable and not permanently stain clothing. However, there is an ongoing project to make a solution that will help preserve your Goblies® masterpieces.

How do you clean the product off the grass and everything else?

Goblies® products are designed so that the goo can be easily washed with water (like rain). The goo will never dry, so it will be easy to clean even after hours in the sun.

But avoid getting Goblies® goo on surfaces that cannot be laundered like a cushion or unfinished wood. If you are finding it difficult to remove the color from any item, dish soap is the recommended stain remover.

Why is my Goblies®’ artwork not drying?

The colorful goo in Goblies Throwable Paintballs and Play Paints is specifically designed not to dry so that it can be easily removed from grass, skin, fabrics, and other surfaces even after hours in the sun.