Though we try to find the good in most people and fictional characters, there are just some characters that go too far, grind our gears, and leave a bit of a sour taste in our mouths. And with a cast as large and diverse of the one that makes up the Netflix show GLOW, fans are bound to find one or two members of the cast that they simply cannot stand.

Today we will be reviewing some of the supporting cast members from the show GLOW that have driven the fans wild (and not in a good way) in the shows three-season run. It is important to note that some of these characters have redeemed themselves over time and may have even become fan favourites by the end of the last season.

Melanie Rosen

Though some fans were won over by her crass attitude and her party-girl nature, others were turned off by her tendency to take jokes way too far.

Her miscarriage joke from the first season as well as her truly racist portrayal of the character of Fortune Cookie truly upset some viewers and turned them away from the character entirely. Her immature antics and inability to take the blame for her own mistakes earn her a spot on this list.

Sandy Devereaux St. Clair

Though everything she did was for the good of her company and the people that worked under her, many fans were not impressed by the way that she treated Debbie during the shows third season.

She continually writes her off, dances around her in a smug and condescending manner, and even her kindest moments towards Debbie seem like an attempt to maintain the upper hand and keep Debbie under her foot.

Mark Eagan

Once a cheater, always a cheater. Though many fans of the show have forgiven Ruth for the things that she did to Debbie in the shows first season, few have forgiven Mark. To do something so selfish and cruel when you have a wife and baby at home is just unforgivable and truly despicable.

Though we do appreciate him watching the baby while Debbie focuses on her career, we still want to see as little of Mark as possible.


It is important to note that Sheila became one of our favourite characters by the end of the third season, but she did not start out that way. Fans loved seeing her vulnerability as she explored her true identity for the first time in her life and related to the scary nature of being authentically oneself.

However, the reason that her transformation was so celebrated was because many fans could not stand her wolf-sona from the earlier seasons of the show. Some felt that it was a bit that went on for far too long and were very pleased when it finally ended.


Cherry is a fascinating character because she is truly unlikable at times but viewers can empathize with her story and her more vulnerable moments. Something that did not sit well with fans, however, was how insensitive she was towards her husband and his feelings towards their goal to have children.

While yes, it is important to note that the decision is hers to make as it is her body and her career that will be affected, it was unfair of her to react to her husbands surprise in the manner that she did as she did change her mind unexpectedly (an act which can make a partner feel confused and alone in a marriage.)

Yolanda Rivas

Yolanda is another character that rubs us the wrong way because of the way that she treats her partner. When you have a partner that is clearly uncomfortable in the bedroom, it is not okay to blow up at them at a hair salon and then make them feel ashamed of their insecurities.

Some people have a harder time feeling confident in intimate situations and calling them childish for doing so is not okay. Some people have a hard time coming out of the closet and blowing up at them for struggling while trying to figure out who they are is also not okay.

Russell Barroso

Normally, we empathize with the character whose partner is falling for someone else while they sit around and wait to be broken up with. However, Russell makes several wild accusations during his visits, reacts to Ruth in unpredictable and bizarre ways, and is rather cruel to her during their brief interactions.

She tries to buy him a nice camera and share her life with him during one of his visits and he accuses her of being obsessed with her coworker and trying to prove that they have a good relationship via gifts to cover up her guilt.

Sam Sylvia

Though his health scares gave us a bit of empathy for the man, we simply cannot get over the slimey nature of his character. His romance with Ruth is truly uncomfortable for viewers as it seems like he cannot decide whether he would prefer to scold and shame her or make out with her. Their relationship bounces back and forth between paternal and romantic and it is truly uncomfortable to watch.

Romance aside, he is also a rather slimey character on his own. He is rude, brash, uncouth, selfish, and obsessed with the more sexual nature of the industry. Though it does seem like the show is aiming for a redemption arc in the future. So maybe our opinion on this character will change.

James Joseph McCready

At first, he was a breath of fresh air. It was so nice to see a man that finally understood Debbie and let her be the force of nature that she is. And we do love the way that he supported the LGBTQIA show.

However, the business dinners that Debbie attended but a bad taste in our mouths and it became very clear that she had, once again, found herself surrounded by people who were determined to write her off based on her looks.

Sebastian Howard

We feel for Sebastian, we truly do. He is product of the world in which he was raised, and that world was very cold and formal. He has a good heart and wants what is best for those around him, but has no idea how to do so. And, in his confusion, he ends up hurting those around him.

It is also important to note that his character is exploring his sexuality in a time when such things were not accepted and, in an attempt to ignore these feelings, he is planning on forcing his wife to quit her career and start a family with him. And though we empathize with his fears and his personal struggles, that is just simply not okay.

Next: Glow: 5 Characters We’ll Miss When the Show Ends (& 5 We Won’t)