Glee was the kind of show that audiences were waiting for in several ways. It was light-hearted and fun, but simultaneously heavy and melancholic. The series attempted to deal with a vast number of complex topics, with mixed success. But even though it’s over and it definitely had its fair share of flaws, it still marked a generation of teenagers and young adults.

There’s nothing to indicate we should be expecting something like Glee to return to our screens, and perhaps that’s for the best. The show went to lengths not many series are willing to go, and that’s what made it special. That and, of course, the characters. Glee wouldn’t be the same without the storylines of the various teenagers that were learning and stumbling along the path of life. So, looking back and paying it some level of homage, let’s go back to these extraordinary, flawed, intricate characters. More specifically, let’s take a look at a few hidden details that you probably missed. Who knows - maybe you’ll be in the mood for a rewatch afterward!

Sam’s Lip Care

Sam Evans wasn’t one of the original members of New Directions, but he soon became a fan-favorite. It’s curious because the actor actually scored a part on the show after participating in the show that was looking precisely for new people to add to the cast. Talk about milking it while you can!

The character of Sam quickly won a nickname, much like a number of other characters did. Santana often referred to him as Trouty Mouth due to his Kylie Jenner style lips. And lips like that sure need some work! You might have missed this, but in the episodes where we get a sneak peek into Sam’s locker, we notice several containers of chapstick. That’s how you keep those lips looking fresh and hydrated!

Emma’s Name

Everybody loves a good villain. In fact, there will be little interest in any narrative if we’re missing a quality antagonist. And when it comes to Glee, Sue Sylvester checked all of the boxes for what constitutes a great villain. She went above and beyond in her efforts to ruin the Glee club, and Will’s personal life as well.

Of course, one of the most important parts of Will’s life was Emma. And Sue made no secret of how much she despised the sweet woman, calling her a number of wrong names throughout the course of the show. This, of course, was noticeable to everyone, which was the point. But there was one instance when she referred to Emma by her name - the Pilot episode.

Figgins’ Special E-Mail

Principal Figgins was one of those characters who wasn’t exactly an antagonist, but he wasn’t a kind one either. Many times he had absolutely no problem presenting a series of challenges to the Glee club, but there were also instances when he was helpful. Other times, he just kind of there, mostly because a high school needs a principal.

A curious detail about Principal Figgins is his e-mail account. There’s a moment in “Funeral” when we realize that there’s a particular e-mail you can reach Figgins at: This is curious, and perhaps one of the funniest things we’ve learned about this character.

When Tina Is Carrie

What’s a high-school show without a single reference to Carrie? Stephen King’s novel made such a cultural impact that it’s been considered one of his best. Plus, the original feature film was scarier than many horror movies out there. The second one, not so much, but it still delivered a few stellar performances.

Glee is after all the brainchild of horror genius of Ryan Murphy. As such, it’s understandable that he would sneak a reference to the cultural phenomenon that was Carrie. And the victim was Tina who, when crowned prom Queen, was covered in red slushies - an obvious nod to the infamous pig blood scene. We see you, Ryan!

There’s Artie!

One thing that Glee managed to do was keep things interesting. This explains why a show about high-school kids managed to drag on for so many seasons. Mostly due to the fact that new characters kept being introduced, while we still got to follow the lives of the core characters that made their debut in the first season of the show.

One of these characters was the lovable Artie. He was there from the very beginning, and while he didn’t really get the spotlight very often, if you pay enough attention, you realize Artie was featured in pretty much every single episode. That’s an amazing feat for a character that never really got as much development or attention as the others!

Will Can’t Math

Will Schuester has many amazing qualities. He is a devoted husband even when his wife doesn’t deserve it, he’s loving and caring towards Emma, and he cares about his students and Glee club members nearly as much as any father would. He’s not that great of a Spanish teacher, but no one’s perfect, right?

But there is certainly one thing we realized Will Schuester cannot do, and that’s math. In the episode where they are calculating how much money they would need for Nationals. And while the equation 5,000 x 0.25 should equal 1,250, Will thinks that amounts to 20,000. Maybe he really needed to account for more snacks?

Where’s Rachel?

There’s no denying Rachel Berry was, in many ways, the heart and soul of the show. Yes, she was unbearable, often selfish, a full-blown diva, and just generally someone who couldn’t see beyond her own perfection. She eventually grew up and evolved as a character, but even in her most insufferable moments, she was a Glee staple.

Which is why it was somewhat strange that she seemingly disappeared in the episode “The Role You Were Born to Play”. Which is even stranger is that fans really didn’t seem to notice this extremely important character was missing from an episode, after being the star of pretty much everyone up until that point.

Tina: What’s In A Name?

The first season of Glee still remains one of the best. This is when we were first introduced to the core characters that were the foundation of the club. It was also when the biggest plot points that would drive the show began to develop. Remember when Tina was first introduced? She pretended to have a stutter so people wouldn’t talk to her.

Of course, everyone who watched the show would remember this. But an interesting detail can be seen if you pay really close attention to the sign-up sheet for the club! When Tina is writing her name, she speels if with several T’s - like she was stuttering while writing!

Kurt’s Hippo

Few people will deliver fashion with the same commitment as Kurt Hummel. He didn’t care that he was being mocked or that people would side-eyed him in Ohio. With very few exceptions, Kurt remained true to himself and his style throughout the run of the series, which granted him an interview with Vogue in New York.

Kurt wore many accessories that stood out, but there’s a particular one we want to mention - his hippo brooch. What’s curious about this brooch is that in every episode it’s featured in, there’s a significant step taken in Kurt and Blaine’s relationship. Sneaky and meaningful detail!

Will’s History Lessons

When we’re first introduced to Will Schuester, we know that he is the Spanish teacher. And it doesn’t take long for everyone to realize that he isn’t exactly fit for the job. Not only because his true passion is music, but because the man sucks at speaking the language. And that’s probably job requirement number on.

Later on, he realizes that he’s also passionate about History, and he decides to start teaching that. While there aren’t many further mentions of this fact further on if we pay attention to Will’s classroom we see it’s full of references. These include the Line of Succession written on the board, alongside several History posters.