When it came to the Glee club, the New Directioners had a habit of dating each other. If Finn wasn’t with Rachel, he was with Quinn; if Quinn wasn’t with Finn, she was with Sam. If Sam wasn’t with Quinn, then he was with Mercedes or Rachel. No one could really keep up after season 3.

However, do you ever think about what characters should have been put together? What if Mercedes had started dating Mike post-graduation? What if Artie and Quinn started dating after he helped her post-crash? Keep reading to discover 10 couples that would have made perfect sense (but never got together).

Sam & Tina

Remember that time Blaine walked in on Tina and Sam kissing? Does anyone ever wonder why it happened? It seemed such a waste to not explore it further, especially as the writers just crammed it in just before they graduated.

If the writers did decide to pair Tina and Sam up, it wouldn’t have taken fans by surprise as the two had been spending a lot of time together. For instance, both Tina and Sam bond when they are put in charge of the Glee Club’s Decoration Club. Sam also volunteered to take her to prom after the group notices a change in her behavior. The potential for romance was there but wasn’t used as the writers settled on putting Sam and Penny together.

Mike & Mercedes

Considering that all the members of New Directions had been paired up at one point or another, one pairing the writers missed was Mike and Mercedes. Mike and Mercedes never shared a lot of time on-screen, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a relationship to be explored.

For instance, when Mercedes revealed that her album had been temporarily shelved, Mike was one of the first people to comfort her. He was also in the wings, cheering her on whenever she had a solo. Would it have been that surprising if the mentors’ friendship blossomed into a romance?

Quinn & Artie

The most underrated friendship of the show had to be Quinn and Artie’s. Fans may remember the pair’s bond was solidified by season 3 after Artie helped Quinn come to terms with her paralysis. He helps her adjust to life in a wheelchair, encouraging her to conquer the steep ramp and teaching her to dance.

It was quite refreshing to see, especially when we were all used to seeing Quinn being the popular, queen of mean, cheerleader. Quinn also seemed to have a soft spot for Artie, comforting the film student whenever he was upset. It’s a shame they never got the chance to see this friendship explored in more depth.

Kurt & Chandler

There was no doubt that Kurt and Blaine were meant to be endgame. However, could it have hurt to see them test the waters with other people before they tied the knot? Although Kurt began dating Adam whilst in his first year at New York, wouldn’t it have made more sense if Chandler reappeared?

Fans may remember Chandler from season 3 as the guy who caused the fight between Kurt and Blaine because of the flirty messages he sent to the Broadway actor. With Chandler also planning to go to New York after he graduates, it wouldn’t have been a surprise if they ran into each other.

Blaine & Sebastian

Keeping with the idea of the Klaine break-up, did anyone else see the connection between Blaine and Sebastian? In season 6, the fans found out that Kurt and Blaine had broken up once again after the couple found themselves constantly arguing. It was then revealed that Blaine was dating Karofsky (which fans couldn’t really get behind).

If there was anyone Blaine would have begun dating, it would have been Sebastian. Both he and Sebastian have a history together, with Kurt getting jealous of their friendship. The pair have also expressed an attraction to one another, which is why it wouldn’t have been a shock if they ended up dating in the aftermath.

Will & Shelby

Another relationship that was glossed over was the brief hook-up between Will and Shelby. As Will was in the midst of his divorce proceedings, the history teacher ends up making out with the Vocal Adrenaline coach. They immediately put a stop to it when Will reveals that he has commitment issues. However, she does tell him to give her a call once he has everything sorted out.

When Shelby returned in season 3, the chemistry between her and Will remained as they continued to be coaches of rival Glee clubs. Both proved to be caring and great mentors, helping each New Directioner to realize their full potential. Can you imagine what would have happened if they were joint directors?

Holly & Carl

Holly and Carl were the unlucky souls who found themselves heartbroken after Will and Emma decided to make a go of things. However, could you imagine the reactions of Will and Emma if they would have found out that Holly and Carl got together?

It wouldn’t be the weirdest pairing as Holly and Carl do share similar traits. For instance, both Holly and Carl are shown to have compassionate personalities, with the dentist helping Emma with her OCD and Holly, a confidant for the students. They could have also balanced each other out, with Holly being free-spirited and Carl more grounded.

Brad The Piano Man & Sue

For years, fans watched as Sue tried to take down the Glee Club. She tried using the Cheerios as her spies, she tried taking it down from the inside herself, Sue even made a wager with Will to close the club. However, she was completely unaware that she could have had a secret weapon on the inside with the piano player, Brad.

In the episode “Swan Song,” Brad speaks for the first time and tells Sue how much he hates the Glee Club. He is also seen punching the air in “Big Brother” when Sue breaks Mercedes’ phone. An ally that she didn’t know she had, Sue and Brad could have been the masterminds that ended the Glee Club.

Joe & Quinn

Another pairing that didn’t get explored was Joe and Quinn. In season 3, the writers teased the new romance for Quinn after the cheerleader was involved in a car crash. Joe played an instrumental part in her recovery, helping Quinn with her physical therapy after the accident left her briefly paralyzed.

There was a hint that the pair were attracted to one another. However, nothing came of it as Quinn ended up going to prom with Finn and kissed Puck in the season 3 finale. It’s a shame that this was not explored further as Joe unveiled another side Quinn we hadn’t seen before.

Sam & Marley

If there was anyone on Glee who deserved to have their happy ending, it was Sam and Marley. Out of all the couples on the show, these two had the hardest time in the romance department. For instance, both Sam and Marley experienced heartbreak when their partners cheated on them (Quinn with Finn; Jake with Bree).

The pair had a lot more in common when the season 4 premiere showed Marley and her mother to be struggling with money. Sam was the first person to make sure that Marley felt welcome and understood what she was feeling. Who knows why these two didn’t share more scenes when they had to be the kindest people to walk the halls of McKinley.