Warning: SPOILERS for Glass

M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass keeps audiences guessing with several twists that reshape the movie, but here are some fan theories that could do the same. Shyamalan surprised audiences in 2017 when it was revealed that Split was set in the same universe as one of his earlier films Unbreakable. The shock factor elevated an already thrilling tale with the promise that something bigger was in the works, and that proved to be true in Glass.

Serving as the conclusion to Shyamalan’s own comic book movie trilogy, Glass brought together David Dunn (Bruce Willis), Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson), and Kevin Crumb (James McAvoy) to finish the story that began with Unbreakable. The success of the latter and Split only elevated excitement and resulted in more theories on how Shyamalan could end this trilogy. Now that the film is out in theaters, new theories about Glass have continued to pop up.

In the latest Screen Rant video, we take a look at some of the most popular fan theories about Glass that totally change the movie. One of these is that Ellie Staple (Sarah Paulson) is actually a powered person herself, with her persuasion being her greatest attribute. Get more details on this theory and others in the video below:

These are but a few theories about Glass, but there’s also been plenty of theories that have begun that could add new details to the entire trilogy. One theory we’ve discussed before is that a young Kevin Crumb may actually be seen in Unbreakable, but unfortunately there’s no further evidence in Glass that this could be the case. There’s also a theory that Shyamalan subtly set up the introduction of Ellie Staple in Split through a brief line of dialogue, but there’s also no sign of this being true with Glass.

Even though Glass didn’t resonate with everyone, it has performed fairly well at the box office. The movie has made over $200 million worldwide on just a $20 million budget. It won’t come close to matching Split’s surprise box office run, but it will still prove to be a successful film financially. This would usually warrant discussions of another movie, except Shyamalan has previously stated he won’t do another film in this franchise. If he remains firm in this stance, then Glass should be the end of this universe, which will fans of these films with some major unanswered questions. Shyamalan could still change his mind in the future, but that appears unlikely for now.

MORE: Glass’ First Twist Completes The Unbreakable Story