M. Night Shyamalan took the stage at CinemaCon with James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, and Sarah Paulson to debut the first trailer for his new film, Glass.

Glass is the follow-up film to both 2000’s Unbreakable and 2016’s Split, which tell a different kind of superhero story. Unbreakable, arguably one of the better films in Shyamalan’s catalogue, follows Bruce Willis as David Dunn, a man who realizes he has special abilities after he emerges unscathed from a horrific train accident. Set years later, Split tells the story of three young women who are kidnapped by a man with 23 different personalities. What audiences thought was an exciting new thriller from Shyamalan turned out to be a sequel to Unbreakable, with a stinger featuring Willis as David Dunn. Glass follows these two films, focusing more on Samuel L. Jackson’s character Mr. Glass from Unbreakable. The footage revealed at CinemaCon has many of the attendees looking forward to Shyamalan’s new movie.

According to THR, Shyamalan’s Glass trailer shows Paulson interviewing Willis, Jackson, and McAvoy in prison. Paulson plays a psychiatrist in the film and introduces herself in the trailer by explaining “I specialize in those individuals who believe they are superheroes.” The remainder of the trailer promises an exciting jail break, as well as the three leads finding their respective places in the modern world. Willis and McAvoy’s characters in particular are shown using their super-abilities in the trailer in order to do things like climb on the ceiling and bend iron poles with their bare hands.

Shyamalan described Glass to the crowd at CinemaCon as the “first really grounded superhero film,” before adding “Finally the thriller genre and the comic book genre have come together.” The film seems a lot smaller in scale than one might have guessed based on the trailer, but that could make for a great change of pace with all of the world-ending superhero blockbusters that audiences usually get nowadays.

Hopefully, this turns out to be true. The overall premise of the film is really different from anything that’s been done before, but Shyamalan hasn’t always had a great track record. Unbreakable is easily one of the better films of his, but they haven’t all been great. Shymalan’s last two films with Blumhouse (The Visit and Split) were much more of a return to form, so hopefully that trend continues as Glass explores how the rivalry between David and Mr. Glass has evolved since Unbreakable. Where exactly McAvoy’s character fits into this remains to be seen, but it’s more than likely that his allegiance will lean more towards the villainous side of things

MORE: Movie Trailers Debuting at CinemaCon

Source: THR

  • Unbreakable 2 Release Date: 2019-01-18 Glass Release Date: 2019-01-18