The time has come and gone for us to be sad and mourn to end to one of our favorite shows: Gilmore Girls. But while the actual show might be over, it doesn’t mean the nostalgia, and our inner thoughts, are gone. Admit it - we’ve all had questionable ships while watching the show, whether it was between characters who were best friends, characters who were similar but whose paths never crossed, or even for those who almost had something, but never did.

It’s our duty to prepare you for what lies ahead in this article: We broke all the rules. We discounted the story for each season and instead, shipped characters based on their would-be IRL traits and personalities. We shipped everyone - from best friends to complete strangers. This was our way of playing matchmakers with no holds barred and we have to admit… It was a wild ride.

Rory And Tristan

Granted, these two did share a kiss - but there was never any actual date. Rory did it because she was recovering from her very first breakup (we all know how tough young love can be), and Tristan did it because he actually felt something for her. There are some elusive fans out there who still low-key ship them together, and we’d tend to agree.

It would have been awesome to know how things played out between them, and whether Tristan would have been a completely different person with Rory. Now, we’ll never really know.

Madeline And Louise

Hear us out on this one. The producers played with the idea of Madeline and Louise in several episodes; most notably the Spring Break episode. The two convinced Rory and Paris that the key to a college guy’s heart was to do one simple thing: Kiss each other.

While Rory and Paris would have made a great couple and would have likely sold their own separate comedy series, it’s Madeline and Louise we could have used more of. They were adorable, fun-loving, and very similar in terms of their goals in life: Romance and parties.

Rory And Marty

There was so much tension surrounding this relationship that we’re pretty sure every fan uttered a collective sigh of remorse when Rory friend-zoned Marty… Which was often. He was sweet, understated, and clearly cared very much about her. But of course, that’s not how the Gilmore women work.

If their love lives aren’t a battlefield, then nothing is worth fight for. When it came to Marty, it would have likely been too easy and not much fun at all, especially when the odds with Logan were stacked against him.

Liz And Jimmy

Obviously, the show implied that they were together (hence Jess), but they never actually interacted during their time on the show. We saw quite a bit of Liz after she moved to Stars Hollow with TJ, but not too much of Jimmy after Jess decided to move across the country.

In fact, they never talked about each other much aside from the night that Jess was born. It would have been cool to see them both together or at least interacting with one another - maybe each of them getting closure almost 20 years later.

Paris And Trevor

Ah, we got you on this one, didn’t we? For those who don’t remember: Trevor was the first guy that Rory dated when she started Yale. After Lorelai encouraged her to expand her horizons and ‘date’, Trevor was the first one to move into the spotlight post-Dean.

While he wasn’t a great fit for Rory, he definitely seemed like dreamy material for Paris. He was a quieter version of Jamie (RIP their relationship, enter Asher Fleming), but with far more worldly experience.

Dean’s Lindsay And Finn

One common complaint of Lindsay’s was that Dean ‘worked too much’ and they were ’never able to go out with their friends’ (i.e., see season four when everything went hella berserk in Rory’s life). Therefore, she should have dated someone who a) didn’t work, and b) was not afraid to go out and ‘have fun’.

While it probably wouldn’t have lasted, Finn may have brought out the best in Lindsay, or at least get her to chill out a bit. They also would have been super cute, but that’s beside the point.

Kirk And Miss Patty

Oh boy, does everyone have an opinion on this? Miss Patty was known for flirting with everyone, but she and Kirk definitely had a unique relationship. From season one on, their banter was something fans grew to love, and we can only imagine what would have happened if their relationship was developed any further.

We’re sure that Miss Patty would have rocked Kirk’s world and broadened his horizons, while she would have found his childish zeal and trepidation toward nearly everything almost cute.

Lucy And Olivia

Lucy and Olivia were a team from the very beginning, and we always got such a cool alternative, rocker vibe from them both. They very easily could have been into one another and we definitely would have been here to support it.

Lucy and Marty never made much sense anyway, and it was never specified whether Olivia was dating anyone. They undoubtedly could have conquered the world together with their dual liberal arts majors and zest for life.

Rachel And Lorelai

They say opposites attract but the funny thing is that Rachel and Lorelai weren’t all that different. They both had a nearly identical sense of humor, were brutally honest, and were quick to the punch.

In any scenes they shot together (barring the first one), they seemed to hit it off and just sort of flow ~ together. In an alternative universe, we could definitely ship LorChel any day.

Michel And Auction Date, Peyton

Now we’re really testing GG fans’ memories. Peyton appeared in one episode, and it was memorable because it was the first time that Emily actually helped Lorelai get a date. Peyton was the wine man; upon discovering the last ‘glass’ of red wine was about to be poured for Peyton, Lorelai struck up a bidding war with him, then reluctantly asked Emily for his phone number.

While things didn’t pan out for Peyton, we could see loveless Michel falling head over heels for his sophistication, manners, and extravagant date nights.