The movie franchise based on the G.I. Joe toy line has certainly become a guilty pleasure for many. While neither of the two films are perfect, they certainly bring this world of super soldiers to the big screen in an exciting way.

The character that grabbed the attention of many viewers was Snake Eyes. The ninja and assassin was definitely an interesting character, and now he’s receiving a spin-off. Here are five characters we want to see in the upcoming movie, and five that we don’t.


The character of Destro has been almost ruined on the big screen. Through no fault of the performance of Christopher Eccleston, the character we saw in the films was a far cry from what everyone had expected.

With Destro having been featured so unfavorably, it might be better to leave him be for the time being. He wouldn’t need to factor in too heavily to any upcoming story, especially if this is some kind of origin piece.


Cobra Commander was saved slightly by the sequel film, and is one of the lead villains of this franchise. He should be featured in some way, if only briefly, since he is also responsible for hiring Shadow Storm often.

He doesn’t have to play into the plot in a major way but it makes sense to include the iconic villain as a side character to continue to flesh out this world. He’s a fascinating foil for Snake Eyes; the silent assassin vs the over-the-top super villain.


Duke has been featured and killed off in these films. Played by Channing Tatum, it feels like there’s not much more to do with this character in the franchise. He’s a typical boy scout without much depth to him.

While some of the best action films didn’t get sequels, the first film of this franchise did, but perhaps only a half sequel featuring a range of different characters. It seems like Duke’s time is up, and we should therefore all move on from this.


Storm Shadow is a huge part of Snake Eye’s story. The fact is that they are intertwined and have constantly fought one another across the various films, comics and even the original animated series; he has to feature in some way.

Perhaps it can be about their backstory together or maybe even their current relationship, but this will build the necessary personal stakes as well as giving the stunt crew and production team more options for impressive action sequences.


Croc Master is not only a pointless and cheesy villain but he would really serve no purpose here. Sure, he can be useful if Cobra Commander is going to be using some killer crocs, and he might even have a cool design.

But we just can’t see how he’d fit into this franchise. It would be an incredibly odd way to add the character to the live action and he’s probably one of the villains in the whole history of G.I. Joe that should be left in the cartoons.


Stone was briefly featured in the franchise previously as a trainer to the new recruits. Fans can agree that it was a great role for Brendan Frasier to play, and we’d love to see him featured more, perhaps in this spin-off.

He could serve a really compelling role as an out-of-shape older guy who can’t keep up with this mission but has all the skills necessary to complete the task. It would be a really fun part for Fraser to play once more.


There are of course other ninjas in the G.I. Joe world. One of them is known as Slice. The character doesn’t have all that fascinating a personality, really. Although he’s very talented with a sword, that’s usually the extent of his characterization.

If Slice was to be included in the film he’d more likely be as some kind of henchmen, perhaps with Dice. He’s better off left out of Snake Eyes until a better role can actually be found for him, or the creators find a way he could be developed further.


Short-Fuze could be an interesting character to add to the series as a foil to Snake Eyes. As the name may suggest, he loses his temper fairly quickly. This is a stark opposite to the silent and calm ninja the film is based on.

Perhaps the Short-Fuze character would have quite the well-placed role in this film. While he has a fascinating history and overall cool aesthetic, he’d also be some good fire power if needed to spice up the action sequences.


Barbecue has to be one of the worst characters that the franchise has ever created. Aside from an over-the-top name that certainly tells us what the character is all about, there’s not anything of interest about him whatsoever.

He wouldn’t fit into this film at all, and would probably come across as cheesy rather than cool. If Barbecue was added, it would feel as if he was taking the slot of someone who would fill it far better.


Jinx has previously appeared on-screen besides Snake Eyes, so this really seems like a no-brainer. If he’s up against some pretty deadly villains then he needs all the allies he can get. Jinx is the most exciting one of them all.

A strong fighter with a personal connection to Snake Eyes, we should see this relationship continue to develop in a solo film. We could see more of a background in terms of the ninja training, and it will be great to see this characters working alongside one another.