For Ear piercings and their costs at TARGET, in fashion trends, the higher the quality and recent fashion trend, the higher the trend. This is also applicable to anything worthy of consumption, both tangible and intangible. Ear piercings are no exceptions. Ear piercings at TARGET depend on the type of piercing, but a basic piercing costs from $55 for stainless steel studs to 14 karat piercing studs. Let’s know the piercing stages at target.

Ear Piercing Stages at Target

There are four basic stages of ROWAN’s AT TARGET PIERCINGS STYLES. These stages include

The ROWAN TARGET Engagement stagesThe ROWAN TARGET preparation stagesThe ROWAN TARGET piercing stageThe ROWAN aftercare stages

The Rowan target engagement stages

These stages are ways through which ROWAN TARGET engages its customers. The customers are engaged through


The customers at target are engaged and kept busy with information about piercings, the styles of piercings, and the in-depth meanings attached to piercings.

– They sometimes recommend styles of piercings if requested

– They are concerned with information about children who request piercings

– It is in the stage that there is a connection between the target and their customer building strong relations

– This is the stage where customers are taught the rules and regulations of TARGET

– This is the stage where the customers are allowed to build personal interactions with ROWAN nurses

– This is the stage where you pick your styles of ear piercing (after recommendations if asked)

– This is the initiation stage

– This stage reflects strongly on the TARGET and the customer feedback.

– It is recommendable to employ friendly ROWAN nurses to improve good customer relations

– This stage is where questions are asked on the health issues and challenges of TARGET customers to ensure that their skin is friendly with piercings. This prevents sorry cases and unforeseen issues like death caused by piercing, skin blisters, skin infections, and other skin-related issues. An issue with the skin due to ear-piercing gotten from TARGET can not only lead to a bad review which might limit the company’s sales but can also make the organization get sued.

The Rowan Target Preparation Stages

This stage involves getting everything ready and instant for the ear piercing to ensure the smooth running of the activities of TARGET ear piercings.

– This is the stage where the ROWAN nurses apply numbing cream on the TARGET customers at ROWAN

– This is e numbing creams is to b4applied on the TARGET customer should be left for about 15-20 minutes

– This is the stage where the ROWAN nurses care for the ears before piercings

– This is the stage where the equipment for the ear piercings is kept in the reachable place

– This is the pre-serious stage i.e the stage where the ROWAN nurses prepare to get serious

– It is here that you can predict a professional from the handling of equipment

– The nurse wears gloves are prepared, and to the user in piercing as regards the style of piercings chosen

– This is the stage where the ROWAN nurses carry out the TARGET customers’ skin assessment, to find out if the state of the skin will be compatible with the ices to be used in piercings.

– This is the stage where you double-check the earring you selected.

The Rowan Target Piercing Stages

This is the stage where the ear-piercing is made to the customers’ tastes and preferences

– This is the stage where the ROWAN nurses wipe off the numbing cream that softens the ear

– This is the stage where the ROWAN nurses mark the point in the ear to be pierced.

– The TARGET client is made to check if the point marked is the point at where the ear is to be pierced before continuing, if the marked point is not where the TARGET client wants, it will be re-pointed and marked.

– After the point is marked, the ear is pierced

– The pierced on the go-ahead of the TARGET customer

The Rowan Target Aftercare Stages

This is the stage after the entire piercing process. It is in this stage that the ROWAN customer at TARGET has gotten the piercing the needed initial to their desire

– The ROWAN nurse explains the basic ear piercing aftercare i.e when to and when not to touch the newly pierced ear

– The TARGET customers are educated on when to change the new piercings.

– The TARGET customers are asked questions and required by the ROWAN customer to fill out a certificate of bravery

– The certificate of bravery is issued to the TARGET ROWAN customer after signing.


When planning on visiting ROWAN at TARGET, make sure you set up an appointment to be attended to. You set up an appointment to get your ears pierced by:

Visit the ROWAN’s websiteGo to the “BOOK APPOINTMENT” sectionClick the button on “EAR PIERCING WITH A LICENSED NURSE AT TARGET” Click on “APPOINTMENT” and select the “LOCATION”You can also book an appointment by calling ROWAN at their customer service number. Input required personal details to activate. Agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS 

Question: What documents should I have when going to Rowan if I am below 18 years?

Answer: If you are below 18 years, you will need the consent of your parents or a legal guardian

                   You will need your parent’s or guardians’ STATE/FEDERAL ID

                   A Prove of payment

                 Medical report of any allergies.