Start at Whole Foods Today

As long as you’re a Prime member and have the Whole Foods app, you’ll get $10 to spend for Prime Day. If you’re going grocery shopping, do it before or during Prime Day. That will score you $10 off any Prime Day order, even if it isn’t a Prime deal. Whole Foods are busy on the weekends, and they are running some Prime Day specials too. You need to do some prep work in advance, so you don’t hold up the line and have people roll their eyes at you:

Or Use Another Credit Card And Buy Gift Cards

Get The Earn With Drop App

Or Keep it For Yourself

If you’ve already taken that $10 deal, try using Ebates affiliate gateway. You’ll get between 3%-5% in specific categories.  You can’t use Smile and Ebates together since only one of them gets the credit.

Don’t Overpay, Use An Extension

Get Cash Back If You Do

Get More Prime if Your Delivery Is Late

Although we’ve covered it before, getting credit for late delivery is easy. With so many purchases that day, the odds are in your favor that something might be late.  Don’t let that money sit on the table. A quick five-minute online chat with customer service gets you that extra month.

Why Isn’t Prime Day on a Prime-Numbered Day

I’m just curious. Jeff Bezos didn’t ask me, but I think 7/13 or 7/17 would be a better day since they are all prime numbers. Oh well. Enjoy your Prime Day purchases even if the day isn’t a prime number. Comment