If you love reading in your leisure time or all the time, you could get paid to read books and give your reviews based on questions that will be given to you or responding to instructions as will be required. Readers are given a book at a time and they get paid between $10 to$200 per book, depending on the complexity of the book and analysis required.

What is a book review?

A review is an assessment.  It can be explained as a formal evaluation or appraisal of something. It could be a movie, a song, a show, an appliance or an art display/exhibition. Therefore, a book review can be explained as an analysis of a book based on its content, style and usefulness.  Book reviews are very important because it serves as information for readers. Most people want to be guided by brief information before they dig into a book. A review serves as a determinant as to whether they will read the book or not. A review is also very helpful to the author, it allows them to know if they succeeded in their intention for the book or not. It is because of this that it is important for reviews to be fair and true.

There has been a lot of curiosity around the fact that people are being paid to read books online. Where has this job opportunity suddenly surfaced from? The answer is simple. There are two major reasons for this. First, we must consider that almost everything is being monetized these days. People have tried to find different methods to make an extra buck. So, if you are saddled with a lot of work then I can help you for a fee. Secondly, the publishing industry is saddled with a lot of work, so many books need to be published and not so many people are available to read and give reviews. That is where readers come in. 

Sites that will pay you to read books:

WordsRated: this company is dishing out $200 for every book finished. The job of the reader is simply to read and take noted on the specific details that will be required. Booklist: on this site you will get paid $15 for each book you read and review. Their genre include adult boos, graphic novels, youth books and moreOnline Book Club: this website requires your honest review and not just positive review. They pay between $5 to $60 per reviewWomen’s Review Of Books: this requires highly qualified readers and reviewers because their writers are highly intellectual academics, journalists and also highly experienced reviewers. Their genre includes fiction, biographies, poetry and visual books. Kirkus Media: this outfit is hire readers of both English and Spanish language. Their reviews are usually expected to be about 350 words and often expected to be turned in within two weeks. Book Browse: this company employs mostly within the United States and requires a minimum of 300 words per review. Its genre is mainly non-fiction, adult fiction and books for young adults. US Review of books: Here, reviews are from 250-300 words and must be edited in Chicago style. Payment comes monthly. Net Galley: this publishing company is open to bloggers, writers etc. and will pay you to read and reviewReedsy Discovery: apart from reading and reviewing, here you get an opportunity to get tips sent from readers for your review. Also, if you build yourself and are recognized as a reviewer on this brand, you could get authors to contact you by liaising with them. Upwork: this is a popular and one of the biggest avenues when it comes to freelancers.

Whichever choice you make, always make sure to check personal requirements before you apply to any of the sites.  That way, you know exactly what is expected of you and if you meet up with their requirements. 

What is a person who gets paid to read books called? 

A person who loves to read books is called a Bibliophile. A person who gets paid for reading is just a bibliophile who gets paid. However I must add that some people who read to get paid are not necessarily bibliophiles but probably just readers.

Can I read books and get paid without doing anything in return? 

No, you cannot. The sole purpose for reading the book is to give feedback. Your feedback confirms that you have read a book and then in turn, you get paid.