Getting Free Mattresses:

A good way of getting a free mattress is to obtain a mattress from different companies. This will require paying upfront to obtain this. Some company can give up to one thousand days of trials, however, the majority gives about a hundred days of trial

An example is Casper: This offers a hundred-night mattress trial, after which one will return and get a refund. Avocado green mattress: This company offers mattresses made from organic materials. The good thing about this company is that you can get someone that will help you pick up the mattress and you have a hundred percent refund with no added chargesTempur pedic: This company does not only offer mattresses for trials, rather it offers slippers, pillows, and sleeping accessories for trials. All for not more than ninety daysLull: Offers mattress for a hundred days trial with total refundPurple mattress: Offers a mattress that is very comfortable according to the review. It also gives a hundred nights trial. Luxi: This platform has two trial packages, the hundred nights trial package, and the one thousand nights trial package. The one thousand-night trial is available in luxi-3 in one package. Once the mattress is returned, a refund is guaranteed. Saatva mattress: Offers a hundred and twenty days mattress trial. The mattress is eco-friendly, once returned, the upfront will be refunded and the refund excludes the cost of transportation and restocking fee. Beer mattress: Offers mattresses that are very comfortable, have cooling effects, and contribute positively to recovery. Provides a hundred nights trial and once the mattress is returned, you get your refund with no added charges. Yoga mattress: It Is a  memory foam mattress produced by Marpac. Offer a mattress for a hundred and one day’s trial. Also, refund your money when you return the mattress and do not include the delivery fee. Nectar Sleep: This platform is wonderful. It offers a mattress trial for three hundred and sixty-five days. Once the days are completed, they pick it up at no cost. If you don’t have money to pay upfront. The above options are not for you. However, you can consider the options below

Ask friends and family members if they have any mattresses they want to disposeAsk hotels if they have mattresses they do not needCheck online for sites where mattresses are recycled. An example is a freecycle. Ask in religious centers such as mosques and churches if anyone can donate mattresses to you Visit colleges that render boarding services to students. You may be lucky to get the mattress they want to disposeContact Red Cross: This is important for victims of disasters such as floods and fire hazards, among others. Check furniture bank: Some furniture banks may have mattresses they stored for a long time and are of no use, they may eventually dispose of them. It is important to check these banks if you are struggling to get a mattress. Check your local newspapers: You might be opportune to come across people that will donate or those that need to dispose of their mattresses due to one reason or the other.

Things to Have in Mind When you Want to Get  Free mattresses

You have to clean it properly before useYou don’t know the person that used it before, therefore proper disinfection has to be done


Free mattresses can be gotten in different ways. However, the appropriate disinfecting technique has to be done to ensure appropriate protection from any possible source of infection or diseases. 

  1. How will I get free mattresses in my area?

Answer: You can check online for any centers wishing to dispose of their mattresses

  1. I don’t have money to pay upfront for mattress trials. What should I do?

Answer: Consider other choices as listed above

  1. I am a shy person,  I don’t have money and I need to get a free mattress. What should I do?

Answer: You can tell your confidant about it. At least,  he or she  will notify people about your need without necessarily mentioning your name

  1. I want a very good mattress for free. What should I do?

Answer: It may or may not be easy to get a very good mattress because most of the time, it is the mattress that people used already that you will likely get. I will prefer you to go for the available one, with time, you will eventually get a good one.