What Services Are Available?

Here is a list of the URL Shortening services that can be accessed with the extension. You will definitely have plenty to choose from…


As soon as you have installed the extension you should go into the options first to choose your favorite URL Shortening service from the drop-down list. Notice that you may choose one of the three services that are specifically focused on mp3s.

You can choose to have icons display in the “Context Menus”, automatically copy newly created “Shortened URLs” to the clipboard, and/or post them to a micro-blogging service.

Note: You will only be able to have one “non-mp3” service active at a time.

Shorten URL in Action

There is a “Toolbar Button” available to use but for our example we chose to use the “Context Menus”. Right click anywhere within a webpage to create a “Shortened URL” for that particular page…

Note: You may also create “Shortened URLs” for frames/iframes.

Right click on links within webpages to create a “Shortened URL” for them…

You can even create “Shortened URLs” for images within webpages.

Have a bookmark that you need a “Shortened URL” for? Not a problem…simply right click on the appropriate bookmark and create your new “Shortened URL”.

Prefer to create a “Shortened URL” from a tab? Also very easy to do…

When you have created your new “Shortened URL” it will automatically display in the “Address Bar” (and be copied to your clipboard if you selected that option). Easy to use and very convenient…


If you use URL Shortening services often each day then the Shorten URL extension will save you time and let you get back to your browsing.


Download the Shorten URL extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Shorten URL extension (Extension Homepage)