Note: Jaangle was previously known as Teen Spirit.


Installation for Jaangle is quick and easy with a total of four install windows to sort through. As you can see here, the EULA is short and sweet.

You will see this message window as soon as you start Jaangle after installation. At this point you can immediately start adding music to Jaangle’s music library or go on to the main window first. For our example we decided to wait a few minutes before adding music to the library…

Here is what Jaangle looks like when first started…just waiting for a library full of music goodness. Notice that there are four separate sub-panes in the main window…each with “Add, Maximize/Minimize, and Close Buttons” in the upper right corners (very nice!).

Curious what the options are for the above mentioned sub-pane “Add Button”? If you click on the “Add Button” this is what you will see…you can even shift the sub-panes locations within the main window (terrific!).


Time for a good look at Jaangle’s Options. The first area displays options for Minimizing to tray, database updating, Windows Live Messenger currently playing display, LastFM scrobbling, online service connection, update checking, clear type font usage, and debugging.

Here you can make choices concerning the Mini-Player…Behavior, Appearance, and Show. Notice that you can keep the Mini-Player on top of other apps and adjusting the transparency levels & size (definitely nice!).

Decide how you would like to handle Information Retrieval for your music collection…choose only what you like or need.

Make any needed adjustments for Jaangle Startup, General Player Control, and Crossfade…

Love using hotkeys? Set up a custom set right here!

Select the file formats that you want Tag Reading and Tag Writing to apply to. You can also make selections for Special Tag Support and Reading Depth…

Choose the default language that you would like to use for Jaangle…you can also create a language file using the “Create Button”.

And now for one of the other terrific features in Jaangle…lots of built-in themes! There are forty-nine themes to choose from, so have fun finding your favorite!

Jaangle in Action

After selecting a new theme and making some adjustments in “Options”, this is what our example looked like. Time to add some music to the library! To add music, click on “Collections” then “Update local collections” and browse to select the music that you would like to add to Jaangle’s music library.

Choose the columns that you would like to have displayed…

Now we have our first addition to our library ready to go…artist/album pictures displaying in the “Music Browser Pane”, “Music List” showing, “Play List” set up, and “Album Information” also displaying. Looking great!

Note: Albums/folders for each particular artist are displayed under a collapsible/expandable category header as shown.

This is what the Mini-Player looks like when you have the main window minimized (partial transparency engaged). Perfect access to your player without eating up screen real-estate (great!).

Note: You can adjust the level of transparency to best suit your personal needs.

Here is the “Right Click Menu” for individual music files.


If you have grown tired of hunting for plugins, then configuring and tweaking those same plugins just to get your current audio player better suited to what you want, then Jaangle will definitely be a very pleasant and enjoyable change! This is definitely a recommended install!


Download Jaangle (version 0.97.951)

Works On: Windows XP – Vista

Installed On: Windows Vista (32 bit), Service Pack 2