At level 90 Refinement Rank 5, it has a Base ATK of 454 and a 55.1% ATK secondary stat. Its passive is called Dodoventure!, and it has the following effects:

Normal attack hits on opponents increase charged attack damage by 32% for 6s. Charged attack hits on opponents increase the wielder’s ATK by 16% for 6s.

Plus its refinements are also free from the event, so it’s very likely that you already have it at Refinement Rank 5. It heavily competes with other strong catalysts like The Widsith and Solar Pearl. These two easily pull ahead of Dodoco Tales R5, especially with more refinements. Still, Dodoco is overall a great free-to-play weapon – use it if you don’t have the other better options. Here’s a more detailed list of how well it works with every currently-playable catalyst user.

Great means that Dodoco Tales works well with the character, and it’s among their best 4-star options. Good means that it works well with the character, but they generally have better or more accessible options – usually 4-star gacha, BP, or craftable weapons. Not recommended means that it doesn’t synergize well with the character – or there are significantly better options.